Geek & Sundry Wiki

Outlands is an animated science fiction comedy series, created by Adam de la Peña. Executive producers include de la Peña, Sheri Bryant, and Felicia Day. It premiered on Geek and Sundry on August 6, 2013, and concluded on September 24, 2013, after seven episodes and a music video. Sometime thereafter, the episodes disappeared from YouTube without explanation.


The show follows the wacky adventures of the crew of the Titanic II-THX 2001, as they set out to eradicate all hostile life in the universe, to make way for new Walmarts. Unfortunately, their commander gets killed early on, and then reanimated without a brain (as a euphemism for the castration of a mob victim the producers were being paid to make fun of at the time)[citation needed]. In the absence of any real leadership, the basically incompetent crew fail to accomplish much of anything useful.

Main cast[]

  • 84, played by Felicia Day
  • Ben, played by Andrew Racho
  • Hutch, played by Adam de la Peña
  • Mak, played by Adam de la Peña
  • Sergeant Skill, played by Jason Zumwalt
  • Winston, played by Dana Snyder

Episode list[]

  • We Come to Destroy You (August 6, 2013)
  • Space Sickness (August 13, 2013)
  • Handsome Zone (August 20, 2013)
  • Drone Army (August 27, 2013)
  • Electric Robot Boogaloo (September 3, 2013; bonus music video)
  • Wrath of Don (September 10, 2013)
  • Dream Machine (September 17, 2013)
  • Doomsday (September 24, 2013)

External links[]